Hi, I'm Dan. The Aquarium is a vision of the future. It is my vision that this will become everyone's vision, that it will become the next reality.
We sentient creatures, with the help of a few other intelligences, are the unwitting creators and maintainers of this reality. As we finally awaken to the spiritual nature of reality, reality will take the form of our combined visions. That awakening will be our Eschaton, the end of this world and the beginning of a new one.
Dan's Place in cyberspace is an attempt to put a face on this vision and to give it a voice. What you see and hear here is a shifting collection of vignettes and sound bites recorded on the path to the Eschaton. This is not and will not be a finished product. The future is our only product, and you are its only producers.
The future will defy categorization and definition, and so even the most general of categories will quickly prove inadequate. With all that in mind, we shall proceed...
Items Previously Circulated -- Jan. thru Dec. '99
Items Previously Circulated -- May thru Dec. '98
Items Previously Circulated -- Jan. thru May '98
The Aquarium
(Here are a more current set of
[and you may refer to the original contents page]
rev. 5/1/00