Epiphenomenon - An accidental byproduct or mere symptom other more fundamental processes. Such phenomena occur without any consequences of their own.
Eschaton (ES-ka-ton) - A dramatic transformation of reality from what we know or imagine it to be. Literally, the end of the world.
Naive realism - This is the usually unarticulated belief that the world exists as a brute fact, just as we naively see and think it to be.
Noosphere (NEW-sphere) - The present and future mental extension ot the Biosphere.
Teilhard (TAY-yar) - Pierre Teilhard de Cardin (1881-1955). French Jesuit priest, paleontologist, and philosopher/mystic. Coined the term Noosphere.
Teleology - The doctrine of final causes. The understanding that purpose and design exist in the natural order of things. (See also the section on teleology)