It is my belief that our reality is a joint construct of the human and cosmic spirits. Furthermore, we are now being prepared for the reintegration of our world into the larger cosmic reality. Human history, of a dozen millennia or so, was simply the history of our temporary isolation from the rest of the spiritual cosmos.
My best guess at this point is that our world achieved a permanent cosmic 'docking' in about 1980, as the outcome of several decades of preparation involving considerable ufo and other ad hoc paranormal phenomena. The result is now at least one clandestine 'stargate,' the primary location being an underground facility under the nominal control of our government.
These stargates can now be replicated without tremendous effort, and probably have been. A global underground system of these 'reality tunnels' or 'dimensional doors' each with controlled access will constitute the most tangible aspect of the initial phase of our cosmic reintegration.
In a future phase of the reintegration these fixed dimensional doors will gradually become redundant as our entire reality becomes more malleable and dream-like, without thereby becoming any less 'real,' quite the contrary.
As pointed out in 'Religio,' a very significant minority of us will choose to resist the cosmic integration and will go on to join or establish other more isolated worlds.
rev. 7/18/97