No later than 1953, 'multi-tracking' had become the 'official' policy toward the ufo phenomenon. There were two principal tracks, one inside and one outside. On the outside there was a posture of studied neglect, and on the inside, acceptance, containment and a wary eye on the future. Now, evidently, the future has arrived, the tracks are shifting.
And what did we accept? We accepted the inevitable. Ufo's would be part of the furniture, they were here for a purpose and there would be no advantage to our being obstructive.
And the purpose? 'Religio.' We were to be relinked to the cosmos. We were being towed back to the dock. The gangway was being lowered.
An expanding portal is in place, cosmic intercourse is already the order of the day. Welcome to the brave new world. The permanent portal was established no later than 1980. The final acknowledgement of this 'fait accompli' is still highly problematic.
The impact of this announcement on humanity will be terminally divisive, and possibly worse. A hard core of humanity will successfully resist the 'Religio' and will go on to form the nuclei of other worlds. The bulk of us will adjust to our new environment, making the best of our refugee status. There will be a significant rise in the mortality while mortality itself is being redefined. Life goes on, so to speak.
Was there anything else you wanted to know?
rev. 7/17/97