We are caught in the web between the two paradigms: material and spiritual. But that same web will help to set us free.
Q. If this world is of the spirit, by the spirit and for the spirit, then why has life been so difficult? Why do we usually feel so dispirited?
A. The great spirit conceals itself behind the facade of nature and of ordinary existence. There is a universal policy of non-interference. If we want to participate more directly in the spirit, as it is our destiny to do, it is we who must take the initiative, and we must do so in a cooperative fashion. The web provides an adequate means for initiating this new participation.
Q. Why has it taken us 'til now to realize the spiritual basis of the world?
A. Matter, being also spiritual, is more magical than even the quantum physicists can imagine. We have been mesmerized by its actuality and possibilities. But it is virtual reality that will help to set our imaginations and spirits free. The material technology behind the web is the final alchemical magic of 'pure matter.' From now on, the new technologies will be manifestly spiritual.
The fact that the web seems to be so dependent on physical technologies is temporarily blinding us to its transcendental possibilites and true purpose.
But as we continue to progress into the virtual reality of cyberspace, the less dependent will we be on its technological base and limitations. The more transparent will its physical aspect become. The only soul in the machine is our own spirit.
Ultimately, cyberspace will turn out to be more real than physical space.