In this manner we provide the logical basis for a functional or structural cosmology.
The ultimately potent potentiality of love is the entraining principle of the cosmos. Every other organizing principle survives only as the detritus of love. All other structures and functions exist only in a subservient relation to love.
The christ event is the paradigmatic locus of love’s recursion. The cosmos is christo-, anthro- and therefor geo-centric, pace Bruno and Rodenberry.
By the identity of indiscernibles there can be only one x-event. Upon it hangs all of reality. Any possible orthogonal realities must also intersect at that event. All notions of individuality and universality are thereby instantiated and confirmed. Ironically the x-event was also the point of maximum alienation. It pushed every envelope and every button. In the AXO schema it was the point of maximal complexity. The Alpha and Omega are simple by comparison.
The mathematical theory of everything will approach the x-event as its limit point of comprehension. We can do a mytho-structural analysis of that event to whatever extent is necessary for us to realize our spiritual origin and destiny.
With whatever degree of reality we choose, any of us may participate in the x-event. All of us already have to a much greater extent than we realize. It constitutes the core of any individuality. By definition it is the most redundant event. The second coming will merely help to recapitulate the first. That event will also be defined by its openness to universal participation. The possibly retrospective participation defines both events. That redundancy only increases the comprehensive depth of the events. It in no way detracts from their originary quality. We need not ask for whom that bell tolls.
There can be only one consciousness with many mirrors and prisms. To find ourself we lose ourselves in the fun house. This eternal structure is a process that is necessarily gratuitous.
How long will it take the mathematicians to do their homework?
How much can the Internet expedite them? We do what we can.