Contents of this Section
Cognitive Sciences Laboratory A center for government sponsored parapsychology research in support of intelligence programs.
Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Web site of the Princeton University based PEAR program for the scientific study of consciousness related phenomena.
Consciousness Research Division Consciousness Research Division of the Harry Reid Center for Environmental Studies UNLV devoted to the scientific study of anomalies related to consciousness.
Franklin Pierce College Parapsychology Program Contains a number of student papers covering parapsychology topics, numerous articles and links to research centers.
Controlled Remote Viewing Home Page Most comprehensive and balanced of the remote viewing sites. Maintained by former U.S. Army remote viewer Lyn Buchanan. Contains articles and papers on CRV and its history, current news and comments, and the "Mr. X" articles criticizing the American Institutes of Research (AIR) report.
Superpowers of the Human Biomind Ingo Swann's web site devoted to remote viewing. Contains Swann's Database Regarding Superpowers of the Human Biomind, his (eventual) full length book on the development of remote viewing as well as a general database of related papers. Pages are decorated with Swann's exceptional art works.
Scientific Remote Viewing Web site of the Farsight Institute and Dr. Courtney Brown, the controversial Emory University professor. Special focus is given to SRV data from extraterrestrial targets.
Remote Viewing in Intelligence Operations Web page for Michael D. Mumford, Washington Research Center of American Institutes for Research (AIR) report concerning government remote viewing programs.
- Extraterrestrial Intelligences
J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies
The Sublime Lodge of the B:.B:. Abode of the Blue Resonant Human featuring a clever blend of wit, gossip and occult knowledge applied to the UFO scene. His tendency not to take any of this too seriously has endeared him in the eyes of the Aquarium.
UFO World May not be the largest UFO site but it does have some timely and relevant material.