Quantum Computing
Going with the Flow

I would consider that the possibility of significant quantum computing would entail a welcome step away from the brink of eschatology.  But that is not to say the subject is devoid of eschatological implications.  I would certainly hope not.  I see this as a convergence zone for many developments, including even in eschatology, and as such it will be difficult to untangle the many issues.

The promise of quantum computing is seen in the fact that until very recently it was considered to be an oxymoron.  The fuzziness of the quantum was seen as the ultimate obstacle to indefinite increase in the power of computers.  Well, one person’s fuzz might be everyone’s gold, if the early returns are to be credited.

It is just here that the metaphysics appears.  It is my hope that the otherwise apocalyptic paradigm shift to immaterialism can use the quantum computing loophole as a back door entrance to the mainstream of our technocutlure.  We would thereby avoid a dramatic confrontation.   In the short term, our closest encounter with the eschaton would be ameliorated without, however, changing the larger consequence.

I have been ambivalent toward the quantum.  It is too easily construed as evidence for a dualism of mind and matter.  However, with the resistance to outright immaterialism showing very little sign of cracking, a conceptual detour through quantum dualism might be just what the doctor ordered.  This intellectual detour might actually be a shortcut around a lot of unnecessary turmoil.  I readily admit that my own intellectual development took this same detour.  But what then seemed like wasted time might have expedited my subsequent conversion to immaterialism.  This detour would provide us aquanauts with additional time to get our stuff together.  On the other hand the faux dualism will complicate an immaterialist prognosis of the developments, and that prognosis will be the key to any economic strategy on the part of the aquarium.

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rev. 10/15/98