Welcome to Mind Space
Where everything contains everything else

We have been surprisingly reluctant to apply our mathematical tools to psychology.  Our protracted materialist biases have constrained us to the application of mechanical analogs to our minds.  The analog of choice has been the switching circuit.  This choice enthrones biology and neuroscience at the expense of psychology.  It is reductionism at all cost.

Let us be candid and say that from an immaterialist point of view, the fact that our skulls are filled with gray matter rather than with sawdust speaks more to propriety than it does to necessity or to reality, for that matter.  So if we want to get to the point of existence, we need to put aside these stage props.  Admittedly this does leave us suspended in air over an abyss, but this should be no problem as long as you don’t look down.  Oh yes, and welcome to mind space!

And what is mind space?  How does it differ from gray matter or sawdust?  Naively it is a place where ideas can float around.  It is decidedly not located in our skulls.  It is nowhere and everywhere.  How do we distinguish between the idea and the space?  There is no substance, it is all form.  Ideas are similar to mathematical objects of various sorts existing only relatively.  Words are then like the numbers that might label these objects.

Mind space is holographic, and each of us represents a part of that hologram which is projected into consciousness as the consensual world.  Mind space is also infinitely dimensional like Hilbert space where each of us and each idea would appear as a ray.  There is symmetry between persons and ideas, which is broken in a developmental process.  Keep in mind that consensual time is only a derivative dimension.

Ideas and persons acquire baggage in the form of increasingly dense relations that have to be shuffled about.  Remember that all existence is purely relational.  Mind space bootstraps itself, as do the cosmic bubbles in the inflationary big bang.  Ideas possess persons as much or more than persons possess ideas.  These mental objects interact as do knots or solitons in ‘physical’ superspace.  These objects, i.e. persons, ideas, etc., take on lives of their own, constantly reorganizing as the cosmos recycles.  The life impulse is a fundamental ingredient of this dynamical space.

Every object is a holographic microcosm in that it must contain every other object.  Projective dualities abound.  God is the circle whose center is everywhere.

Obviously we are a long way from developing econometric models of mind space; however, we could make much better use of the mind games enjoyed by mathematicians and physicists.

As for the eschaton, we should be expecting a phase change in the weather.

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rev. 10/9/98