That Was the Eschaton that Was
The Eschaton need not be dramatic. We might already have passed the point of no return, well on our way to a non-material world view. The point of greatest risk, or closest approach to the Eschaton may already have passed, unheralded. It will be up to the historians then to celebrate our successful transition, after the fact.
This is the situation that we may discover after a careful appraisal of the progress toward a non-material ontology that is being witnessed on the Internet.
Some people may be disappointed by the lack of any overt apocalypse associated with our spiritual awakening. But perhaps there have been a sufficient number of apocalypses throughout history to render a final one redundant. Most of us would be happy to breath a well deserved sigh of relief. Then we can get on with our spiritual rendezvous with the cosmos.
It will not hurt to keep our options open, and thus do we avoid prejudging the future.
rev. 4/16/97