The Only Planet of Choice
Earth Harvest will serve as a modern diaspora to the Rome that is the cosmic federation. The modern christian catacombs of Dulce and the like will be the egress of christian cells. As refugees we will carry our virus to the most distant galaxy, using the federation highways.
We are the only planet of choice, and we have made our choice. Now we inform the universe. We were the densest, most retarded planet, and so now we become the tungsten filament of a cosmic light.
While the New Agers wait for the ships to land so that they may surrender, the new christians will set off on their final crusade. We will not be needing our laser blasters this time. We are the lasers of truth. Planet Earth, the rock that was rejected, becomes the cornerstone of the new universe. These are our marching orders. Many will laugh at our temerity, but many others will be expecting us. Let us not disappoint.
rev. 7/20/97