On not Getting It
Everyone is talking about the End of the World, but no one is thinking about it.
Immaterialism is the hang-up.
I catch myself frequently wondering why there are not more eschatologists around. The simplest answer is pragmatic. No one gets paid to study or proselytize the end of the world, except from a purely historical perspective, or from a narrowly sectarian point of view. But this answer is a bit too easy. There should at least be more amateur eschatologists like myself, especially here on the web.
But neither are there any immaterialists to speak of. I believe that I have had personal contact with almost every professional immaterialist in this country, and that may only be about a half dozen. Is this not a bit strange? Talk about intellectual imbalance. Talk about having almost none of your eggs in the right basket!
What we are talking about here more likely has to do with the giggle factor. People generally would rather suffer torture than suffer laughter. Intellectual correctness has amazingly narrowly defined boundaries. Believing that we live in a physcial universe that is very old and very big is the definition of sanity in intellectual quarters.
A sharp line has been drawn between religionists and intellectuals on the matter of creationism. Ironically, most creationists now accept the big bang model of cosmology, but they draw the line at evolutionism.
rev. 4/4/97