Stealth Site of the Week
Here I am four months as a webmeister, and as far as I know, no one has been around. I have been too lazy to register, which is only a slight oversight.
It is easy to complain about all the noise on the net, especially when it is not one's own. I would suggest that it is the tuning up prior to the arrival of the conductor. I am a would-be conductor, without a baton or a tux, and the orchestra has no clue about the fact that they are an orchestra. They certainly are not paying union dues. That is the challenge for the Aquarium Conspiracy.
Modern society has been getting noisier all the time, and now the Internet is just pouring on the decibels. It is not the rate of flow of information that is the problem, it is the incoherence of the information. Each sound byte has its import, but when you try to put them together, all meaning is lost.
Coherence should be the job of the cosmologists. I speak of Cosmos vs. Chaos. But obviously the scientific cosmologists have been snowed under just like the rest of us. It is very hard to make sense out of the world if you have to start at the bottom with each atom veering in the dark. The Big Bang and the Theory of Everything do very little beyond rationalizing the existence of the atoms.
The noise, the information glut, is the decay of the old orders. We are the maggots feeding off the old carcass. Many of us are enjoying the meal. We like the freedom to eat whichever piece of the carcass catches our fancy, and five minutes later we can move on to a new piece. Yummy!
The mice will play while the cat is away. They will not look forward to the cat's return. And for good reason. There are mostly fascist cats out there. False messiahs, looking to feed off us maggots rather than teach us how to fly.
The intellectuals are at the top of the information food chain. They have the most to lose, and so they put out blanket proscriptions on even thinking about the possibility of messiahship. Which means that they are desperate not to think even about the possibility of coherence. They dread hearing the footfalls of those padded feet, clumph, clumph, clumph.
And it gets worse. Talk about food chain, it is really the angels who are at the top of it. They are living of the emotional glut that goes along with the information glut. Some of these are the myriad 'channels' adding to the cacophony, pointing to truth in all the wrong places. Is this deliberate deception? No, just confusion in high places.
In all this crowd it will be easy to pick out the messiah. She will be the only one who is alone. She will be the stealth site of the millennium.
rev. 4/23/97