.Objectivity 2 .Punch cards Suppose that we can concede a pre-scientific version of nature to a cosmic intelligence. What about all the human artifacts? How can we explain those without invoking objective materials? I submit that it requires no additional metaphysics to explain punch cards than is required for woodpecker holes in a tree.
Let us look again at nature. A good cybernaut already has the tools to create a credible virtual lifeless planet, like mars, and store the result in a set of punch cards. I am not suggesting that God would resort to punch cards. God is not a Univac in the sky. I merely posit an entity containing multiple personalities, which are capable of sharing dreams and memories, or not sharing them when appropriate. Some of the personalities could be pecker-like, others would be human-like. Let them start dreaming and voila. That is the way Tom Sawyer would create a world. That is how I will save this world.
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rev. 1/28/99