Networking Resources and Strategy
Push and Pull and then Shakeout on the Internet
Being a proselyte, particularly on the Internet, is not unlike being an animal in rut. If that analogy is not sufficiently coarse, one can also consider the Typhoid Mary model which recommends itself at least for being less sexist.
If there is going to be a paradigm shift within the next generation then the outlines of it will be showing up on the Internet within the next several years, if they have not shown up already.
One might expect that the Aquarium would be facing considerable competition from a small army of paradigm hucksters, each hoping to have their two cents worth of input into the drama of global transformation. But, so far, that does not seem to be the case. Let's see why.
The gold rush on the Internet involves a great deal of claim staking, of rushing into the new wilderness to stake out a territory. So actually instead of a gold rush, we are only witnessing a land rush. The Aquarium, however, is going for the gold. We are not looking for another piece of ground to till, our strategy is all or nothing. If one does not suffer from a certain degree of megalomania or positive paranoia, one is not likely to persevere in the face of mountainous odds. To get to the gold fields, one must skirt over the fertile prairies and head for Donner's Pass, hoping to reach it before snowfall.
In cyberspace many folks are already staking their claims to the New Age, but evidently they are waiting for someone or something else to define and proclaim it. It is possible that we can get from here to there without anymore drama than what we have already experienced, but my intuition speaks otherwise. The New Age is not going to be brought about by a petty bourgeoisie of shopkeeping gurus with storefronts on the web. There is going to be something more profound and dramatic.
The spiritual gold of the New Age is concentrated in a vein that runs deep. It is like an underground river with headwaters in the cosmic mountains that at some point will have to spring to the surface from whence it will spread out to irrigate the fertile plains.
That spring has been well guarded throughout human history. It is a no man�s land surrounded by at least five dragons, those being the five key groups mentioned above. The various traditions jealously guard their little spiritual trickles, fearful of being swept away in the spiritual flood that surely will inaugurate the New Age.
rev. 4/21/97