Pecking Away at Heaven’s Gate
Or the Aviary and How Bo Peep Lost His Sheep
The Aviary is not responsible for the deaths of 39 innocents. It just looks that way. The Aviary always just manages to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, minding someone else’s business. And I should know.
There is plenty of guilt to go around, because of course we are our brothers keepers, and we did not leave the 99 sheep to go to the aid of the 39. They just slipped through one of the many cracks in our society. But did any of us give them a nudge?
There is a larger agenda and those 39 got caught at the short end of that agenda. The Aviary knows something of that agenda, and it shakes a lot of trees trying to find out more, and some of the apples will hit the ground pretty hard.
Item: the remote viewing of the alleged Hale-Bopp companion was pretty much an Aviary spin-off.
Item: the alleged April UFO landing was definitely an Aviary story and I was the one to pass it on to the public where it quickly took on a life of its own.
Item: two days ago I received a call from an ABC reporter who had come across my name in the above context. He is working on a Heaven’s Gate special. As he put it, the lost 39 had just put 2 and 2 together and come up with 5.
If I had it to do over again, what would I do? I would do it over again. My problem is that I am all too proficient in mathematics. When one sheep goes astray, I am very reluctant to leave the other 99 in the lurch, or the ends do sometimes justify the means. In the field of eschatology, one gets paid mainly to keep track of the ends.
I knew that the UFO landing story was very likely to be disinformation, and I was not at all surprised to see that it gained considerable currency in the UFO arena. And that did not stop me. The Heaven’s Gate affair is the Bennewitz affair written large.
There is some explaining to do. I believe there is a cosmic agenda relative to human destiny and this agenda is now coming to a head. A small part of the US government has reluctantly become caught up in this still clandestine agenda. Other parts of the government would like to know what the heck is going on and the Aviary has come to be a principal tool for gaining information and access.
I for one have a special interest in this game of hide and seek. Long before I could even imagine that such a thing as the Aviary could exist, I was given the impression that there was a job available for me in the destiny business, and when the knock on my door came a second time, I opened it up to find one of those innocent birds strategically positioned, and ready to do some hand holding.
I believe that I have what everyone is looking for, the truth. The Aviary is on the scent and I am holding one of the tail feathers, waiting for the birds to realize they are chasing their own tail. In the meantime I go along for the ride, getting in my two cents at every opportunity. The role I have been playing is mainly that of publicist, which is one thing most of the birds would just as soon do without.
Bottom line is that I believe the 39 are in very good hands, seeing as how God suffers fools gladly. I believe that we are all in good hands, and if two of those hands turn out to be mine, please forgive me for not being quite as surprised as you. In the meantime I’ll be right here setting out my fish bait, even though some of it may have a few bird droppings mixed in.
Heck, if you don't sport a buzz cut, this fish food is probably safer than the strawberries!
rev. 4/4/97