Amazing Books
Amazon Books that is.
Some twenty years ago my quest for truth started at the Hopkins University Library. No, not quite right. It started with a comic book purchased at the University bookstore. This was Bob Toben's Space-Time and Beyond, c. 1975, illustrated by Jack Sarfatti and Fred Wolf. The appendix consisted of off-the-wall quotations from various physicists, including one form John Wheeler a former teacher of mine at Princeton. It was very 70's. John was discoursing on the then very strange 'Anthropic Principle,' something I had never heard mentioned back in school in the 60's.
I figured I had better run over to the library to check out the source and see if my old Prof. was really going off the deep end. He was, I was determined to follow, and now you see the result.
Twenty years later and the Internet has replaced Toben's comic book, but books still serve as excellent starting points. When it comes to books on the Web, the one place to start is Amazon. So let's see what we find.
An e-mail to Lee Irwin:
Dear Lee,
This morning I was doing a reality check at Amazon Books and ran across your book, "Visionary Worlds," listed under "reality," and your invitation to communicate, so here I am. I have also seen your account of a trip to Findhorn.
Let me get to my point. I am witnessing a disconnect between two aspects of the New Age movement, namely the eschatological and the evolutionary approaches, and I gather that you take the latter approach. I am attempting to bridge this divide, mainly now with an unregistered website,
I believe that we are coming to a cusp in our collective spiritual journey that will take the form of a global gestalt switch from materialism to immaterialism which will be mediated through the mass media. This dramatic transformational episode will be full of risks and will necessitate the emergence of an inspired leadership. The "Aquarium," still just an idea, would be a possible vehicle for such guidance. That there are great messianic expectations abroad in the world, is a fact which such leadership could hardly ignore.
Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions. I will post this note and your response on the site unless you prefer not.
Dan Smith
rev. 4/22/97