Welcome to

The Best Possible World - Gateway to the Millennium and End Times

(Why the World is Great)


You are probably landing here from the BPWs experimental AdWords campaign.  Here are some of the keywords being used therein:

All of the above links refer, in the first instance, to the Topical Index which presently provides the best overview of the BPW website. 

My first attempt at a synopsis is Dummies

Please note that there are more than 500 web pages on this site, and that includes over 2,000 pages of text.  We anticipate a major overhaul of the navigation system beginning in May, thanks to CHCS.com.  Please bear with us!

Note that the weblog sections of this website are listed near the top of the Topical Index in chronological order.

Note the contact information at the bottom of the Topical Index.  There will be a priority to upgrade this Welcome page. 





Topical Index
