What is the chance that the world is a dream? Zero? One chance in 10,000,000,000,000?
Perhaps we should consider the evidence? But what is the evidence and how do we consider it? How do we weigh the physical evidence against the mental evidence, and how do we distinguish between them?
At this point most people throw up their hands. So what if the world is a dream? What difference has it made? It has made very little difference, apparently. What difference will it make? It could make all the difference in the world.
Many of us like to think that we can hedge our bets by going to church on Sunday or meditating in a closet, and the rest of the time we just pass the ammunition. I suggest otherwise and that makes me unpopular. That causes the campus police to take a special interest in my whereabouts. But I am not here to win a popularity contest. I am here to set the world straight. I am here to save the world. Do I need a better excuse for talking to people?
rev. 2/9/98