Coup d'Esprit
Armageddon/Spiritual revolution/New World Order/Kingdom come
There are some issues here that need to be addressed. At Dan's Place we have been speaking of the Second coming, mostly in the abstract, but, nonetheless, as a human based event. If that is to be the case, then there will be a political dimension to this event.
In the traditional apocalyptic, this is the point at which the anti-christ attempts a final liquidation of Christians who are saved by divine intervention only at the very end. I would like to suggest a significant revision upon this theme.
In this scenario, the anti-christ is supplanted by the second coming which triggers the 'Armageddon.' Our secret cosmic visitation which occurred about fifty years ago, generated two principal secret factions, which are now about to surface. One larger faction represents the establishment or status quo, and the other much smaller faction consists of those who see this situation as a final opportunity to promote spiritual values.
Upon some triggering event, these two factions are slated to emerge from the shadows of the military-intelligence complex to confront each other in the open. The Armageddon will be an informational, psychological battle for the hearts and minds of the people, many of whom will find themselves being quickly caught up in the fray.
It is with this in mind that I spoke earlier in this end times section of using an act of public personal disobedience as a possible triggering event. The act itself might not even be necessary in lieu of a sufficiently compelling verbal gesture, as long as the factions in question are paying attention to what is being said, and by whom. Hopefully, this informational/spiritual Armageddon can remain precisely that, and not devolve into physical strife.
rev. 5/27/97