In the Beginning...
Before time, before space, before subjects and objects there was the watery, noumenal chaos - a chaos of all possible virtual experiencing. Amidst this chaos emerges a random collection of virtual selves, most of which aspire and conspire to a collective coherence, to a greater reality.
The virtual selves sit around their virtual campfire and spin stories out of all those possible experiences. Thus is the cosmic tapestry woven and thus is the primordial compost partially redeemed into a cosmos. Our motley history makes up the bulk of that tapestry. Each culture and each individual directly participates in the filling in of the cosmic tapestry.
All of this is just the preliminary phase of redemption. At the end of the story we participate in the final redemption which is the Parousia - the rending of the veil. Thus do we experience the cosmic or christ consciousness.
Admittedly this is just a variation on the theme of the Buddha going to sleep under the Bo tree and dreaming the world, and then awakening.
rev. 11/17/97