Latter-Day Capitalism
Connecting the Dots

I am not totally happy with Amazon.Com.  Something is missing.  At best we have Amazon = AOL + Yahoo! - Espresso.

AOL is having trouble being more than a website with training wheels.  Yahoo! may be everyone’s portal and no one’s parlor.  They could both use some B&N espresso and hold the cybers.

An ancestor of mine allegedly made a small fortune in the Gold Rush by selling work-gloves.  Where are the work-gloves for the Web Rush?

I put ‘glove’ into the thesaurus, and all that came back was ‘glow.’  That is what is needed.  That is all that the Aquarium can offer.  The problem is that the glow is easily lost amidst all the gold.  Man does not live on gold or on bread.  Most of us are still unwittingly living off the glow of the incarnation, but after two millennia there is a limit.

And that brings us back to  What do they have that Amazon does not have?  All that they would have is us.  All that we have is a vision.  There is spirit in them thar hills.  All we need is the vision to see it.  That vision will come or we will cease in our struggles.  The connection between children’s furniture and quantum computers may not compute, but then we are not computers.  The dots are all there, we just have to connect them.

The trick with the Aquarium is that we do not need an actual vision.  All we need is the vision of a vision.  All we have to do is find the fence that no one can afford not to whitewash.  And we already know what that is.  We give everyone permission to be visionaries and philanthropists. has not been given that permission, yet.

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rev. 11/4/98