It is time to resurrect the human spirit out of its slumber of materialism.
This will happen whether we want it to or not because we are coming to the end of this material order of existence. The irony is that by awakening sooner, we can actually prolong the transformation of the world enabling this process to be less traumatic.
Furthermore, the world does not need to be made more spiritual, since it has never been anything but that. It is our illusions of reality that need transformation, and that will provide ample challenge for us for now.
All of creation is a manifestation of our spiritual destiny. The alpha is contained within the omega. The beginning is a reflection of the end. Human history is the recycling plant for the great spirit. God dies to be reborn in us, finally. That is our unavoidable destiny, our eschaton. The prolongation of that rebirth will proceed beyond the present point only with our deliberate participation. Otherwise, the cosmos will just go ahead and do its own thing, using us as it's spiritual fodder.
We may jump off the precipice, or we may find our wings and enjoy the flight.
For there to be a deliberate effort there must be a vision. It is our job to supply the necessary vision, and then to show how this vision may be applied to the 'real' world. The vision is seeing the reality through the illusion that is all around us.
The vision is seeing how the illusion will come to melt away, in a gradual fashion.
The aquarium is primarily a mediational vehicle, linking the old with the new, the spiritual with the practical, maintaining a path of continuity and balance.
In as much as there can be a visible focus to the reemerging spirit, that is the aquarium. We are the second coming. We could be the first or third coming, but settle for the second.
This does imply a bias toward the first coming, realizing that being without bias is not always appropriate. A vision must have a degree of specificity even at the expense of generating initial segments of opposition.
Every story has a beginning, middle and end. For our story, for history, the end is what matters. The end provides the primary validation and justification of whatever came before. Yes, there is a cosmic expediency, since much of the cosmos hangs in this balance. The hopes and fears of all the years come to rest in us as we awaken to our dramatic roles.
The script is not just handed to us. We must find it. Clues to our ending are to be found in the 'mythos' of our origins, in the scripts of the tribal dreamtimes that were amalgamated onto the Gaean mold that was preestablished often with megalithic anchors into that sacred geos. Our new dreamtime will be global rather than tribal, but there will be some useful similarities.
But more important than the megaliths, it is the world tree that provides our primary point of cosmic reference. This is the axis mundi that is made sacred by the sacrifice of the king. This is the Christ event which contains all of the symbolism of human history, from birth to rebirth.
All of this can be said independent of even one historical fact. There are many who disdain the sheer bloodiness of history, and who rightly lay some of that blame at the foot of the cross. These are among those who would just as soon have that symbol banished.
The cross, like history, is not to be banished, but rather transcended, and that is exactly toward what the symbol points. Whether or not we believe in the historical miracle, we will participate in the transhistorical miracle.
The many layered enigma of the christ event is much more respecting of the complex cosmic reality than anything that has come before or since. If I am wrong about this then please set me straight.
When it comes to precedents, the
aquarium will be looking to all that has come before, but with particular
regard to the origins and to the aforementioned keystone.