Aquarium Update
The more things stay the same, the more they change

The Aquarium has been quiescent these last several months.  You may recall that the last substantive issue to come before the aquarium concerned ‘phenomenology’ and the role of the government therein.  Inquiries in this direction eventually led to a stonewall.  This matter awaits a more opportune time.

In the meantime I have been relegated to pursuing a more mainstream inquiry.  Specifically I have been considering the economic and philosophical implications of ‘unification’ on the scientific front.  The best prospect of extending the unification impulse seems to lie in the direction of quantum computing.  More on this in subsequent communication.

Certain aquarium-related items have, however, come to my attention.  Most of these have to do with NIDS, for some reason.

NIDS has recently published a roster of affiliated individuals.  Rumor has it that there are blatant omissions.  Only two avians are identified.  There are several others who play significant roles.

Of late, at least two well-known philanthropists have participated in meetings at NIDS.  These meeting included displays of alleged alien implants.

This organization continues to annoy Ron with its secrecy and with the contradictory nature of its visible actions.  In short, there is a conspiratorial concern on the part of this intelligence officer.  He has suggested that a significant shadow player is GN, who has a long history in such affairs.

It was announced recently that some new documents relating to MJ12 have surfaced.  The probability of a continuing hoax is high, but so allegedly is its quality.  This fact would point in the direction of a continuing concerted disinformational effort, which makes it of interest to the aquarium.  It should be no surprise that the individuals involved include another prominent NIDS omission.

The more things stay the same, the more they change.

I almost forgot that another probable NIDS Omission with Raven/DARPA connections is also hot about quantum computing, just to bring us full-circle.  Perhaps I should apply for NIDSO status?

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rev. 10/15/98